Magical Motivation
The self-belief course you didn't know you needed
Free yourself from fear and start doing what you want!
Welcome! Please read intro instructions carefully!
Your Magical Motivation and the Ultimate Purpose of this Course
Steps in this course
The importance of working with limiting beliefs and blocks
The neuroscience behind making change
How life can change when you're living in your authentic truth
Acknowledging yourself and your desires
Acknowledging the different parts of yourself
Journal Exercise 1
Journal Exercise 2
What is holding you back from who you were meant to be
Common limiting beliefs and where they stem from
Limiting beliefs and blocks - Exercise
Worksheet #1: Blocks and Limiting Beliefs
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Creating actions and habits that serve you
Visualization Exercise
Habits in favour of your best self vs. not in favour of best self
Learning to love the process of achieving your goals
Learning to trust the process of achieving your goals *Very important section*
You tend to feel stressed and burned out while trying to reach your goals
You feel a bit stuck in your habits and feeling it hard to break out of that cycle into the next phase of life
You feel like you're not living life the way you'd like to
You feel like you're wasting your potential (you're not btw, but this is a complicated subject that we'll touch on)
You feel like there's a part of you just itching to be noticed
You feel consistently torn in different directions because you have so many interests, but no way of choosing your direction
You're always frustrated with yourself when you can't get "all the things done" on your to-do lisst
A new understanding of yourself and your desires
A sense of clarity towards your goals and next steps
Decreased stress that comes with simplifying your goals and understanding your true value
An increased sense of purpose and what it means to feel fulfilled
A new sense of self-compassion
A deepened understanding of yourself and how to be there for yourself through difficult situations
An improvement and confidence in working through your possible mental blocks (and the acceptance of where you are with these mental blocks)